Lørdag den 3. maj kl. 16.45 - 17.30
Radisson - Lokale I

Hvordan giver vi fans relevante musikoplevelser på de nye digitale medier? Og hvilke pengestrømme kan skabes i et omskifteligt marked med større fokus på indtjening gennem koncerter? Re:Mix-teknologien er et bud på, hvorledes artister kan udnytte de interaktive muligheder, de nye medier rummer i form af interaktive koncerter, der via digital distribution også muliggør nye indtægtskilder for artisterne.

Thor Hampus Bank: direktør, Re:Mix ApS, partner, GotFat Productions, Kristian Riis: Direktør, Vulcano, guitarist i Nephew, Paul Tyler: rådgiver, Handling Ideas, tidligere BBC-producer, Thomas Scherning, direktør, Appitude

Præsenteres af GotFat Productions


Thor Hampus Bank is a film director/producer and partner in GotFat Productions, where he has directed and produced commercials, music videos and documentaries etc. since 2010.
Thor is the project manager of the Re:Mix platform and director of Re:Mix ApS.

Kristian Riis is partner in management and event company Volcano and guitarist in Nephew. Kristian is deeply involved in new concepts and technologies inside the music business.

Paul Tyler is a former BBC producer in cross media and the man behind HandlingIdeas.com where he helps organizationsvisualiz, map and prototype their ideas and concepts. Paul has helped the Re:Mix team visualize their user needs and wishes.

Thomas Scherning is a software engineer and director in Apptitude, where he has contributed to the development of a long row of smartphone apps for different brands and organisations since 2010. Thomas has a strong desire to use the technology the best way possible to create and support a good experience for everybody involved.