Radisson - Lokale I
Musikkens fysiske distributionskanaler er næsten blevet erstattet af online systemer, men de seneste år har streamingservices som YouTube undergravet denne digitale handelsmodel. WholeWorldBand – skabt af den tidligere 10 CC-musiker Kevin Godley – er et nyt interaktivt, cloud-baseret tiltag, der binder musik og fans sammen via en app, som ønsker at gøre selve produktionen af musik og video til indtægtskilde.
Kevin Godley (UK): idémand WholeWorldBand, musiker, komponist, musikvideoinstruktør, John Holland (IE): administrerende direktør, WholeWorldBand
Præsenteres af SPOT Music
Kevin Godley: WholeWorldBand was founded by Kevin Godley – originally drummer, singer and songwriter of the hugely successful Art Pop band 10cc and later multi-award-winning director of music videos for artists such as U2, Bryan Adams, Paul McCartney, Blur, Lou Reed and countless other successful acts. Kevin’s vision was of a system where artists and fans could collaborate together to create new music tracks and video mixes that could be shared and enjoyed worldwide – hence the name WholeWorldBand.
John Holland: John Holland started his career in the music business as a lighting designer and became a production manager before taking a detour into the telecoms industry. He became CTO of Ericsson Ireland in 2007 and then Head of New Business & Innovation at Ericsson regionally in 2010. Throughout this time John ran a small studio and managed a number of music festivals for various charities. John is currently CEO of disruptive Internet music and video startup WholeWorldBand. He is a respected speaker and presenter at national and international conferences as well as a passionate supporter of a number of charities.