Så er SPOT Festival skudt i gang!

Fredag formiddag blev det hele officielt gjort med en velkomstreception for branchefolkene, der deltager ved festivalen både i et business-øjemed og som gæster, ivrige efter at se hvad der er på spil af nyt og lovende musik fra den skandinaviske musikscene.

De ca. 350 branchefolk blev i denne forbindelse inviteret til sandwich og sodavand i Rådhusets Trafiksal og budt velkommen med taler fra Aarhus’ borgmester, Jacob Bundsgaard, leder af SPOT Festival, Gunnar Madsen, og direktør for Believe Digital i Tyskland, Thorsten Freese.

Her er et udsnit af gæster, talere og tanker om SPOT:

20140502-111304-_Jacob_Bundsgaard Jacob Bundsgaard – Aarhus’ Borgmester om SPOT Festival:
“SPOT Festival er en national satsning, der rækker langt ud over Aarhus’ grænser, men via SPOT bliver Aarhus epicenter for upcoming musik i Norden. Aarhus bliver dermed en god platform for branchefolk til at mødes med hinanden og samarbejdspartnere.”

“SPOT Festival er en fed mulighed for folkene i Aarhus til at komme med backstage, bl.a. via seminarerne, og se hvad der foregår bag kulisserne i musikbranchen.”


20140502-113310-_Thorsten_FreeseThorsten Freese – Direktør for Believe Digital, Tyskland:


“SPOT has a great reputation in Germany – and rightfully so.”

“Digital distribution has eliminated all boarders in getting music out to the people. This gives great opportunity for promoting new music, but it also makes the competition for breaking through that much bigger. We want to help artists get a local market know-how.”





Yvan Taieb – Roy Music, Frankrig:

“I like being surprised and getting that “wow”-feeling at a concert. So this is what I’m hoping for at SPOT Festival.”








Frank Lenggenhager - Lautstark, Schweiz:

“The essence of SPOT Festival lies in it’s name: SPOT. It is a fantastic opportunity to spot new talent and meet danish and international people in the music business. SPOT is the perfect mix of business, networking and enjoying music.”






20140502-113946-_David_Patrician(Delta_Radio)David Patrician – Delta Radio, Hamburg, Tyskland:
“I am here to get a crash course introduction to the Danish music and to experience the Scandinavian unity in music.”







20140502-114301-_Daniel_Köhler(Bayerischer_Rundfunk)Daniel Köhler – Bayerischer Rundfunk, Berlin, Tyskland:
“There are a lot of Danish people in Berlin; Danish music, Danish clubs etc. So I’m here at SPOT to go to the roots of the Danish music scene.”







20140502-113719-_Jan_Clausen(Factory92)Jan Clausen – factory92, Tyskland:
“I’m very involved with SPOT Festival – a part of the SPOT family so to say. I’m here to connect people in the music business, and even though I didn’t get to see any concerts last year, I am especially hoping to be able to see Aarhus Jazz Orchestra feat. Emil de Waal + Spejderrobot performing Kraftwerk.”






20140502-120018-_Dominic_Squire(Full_Time_Hobby)_Ollie_Jacob(Memphis_Industries)Dominic Squire, Full Time Hobby, London, England og Ollie Jacob, Memphis Industries, London, England:
“We’re here to experience great music and meet people in the industry. We especially looking forward to seeing Less Win, Chorus Grant, Jaakko Eino Kalevi, Iberia, Broken Twin, Farao and Bon Homme.”